Providing DUI Defense for Coto de Caza
Coto de Caza DUI Attorney
Coto de Caza is a private gated community that is patrolled by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Traffic collisions and reports of erratic driving are investigated within the community by the Sheriff’s. The Sherriff’s Police vehicles are equipped with video cameras which will capture your performance of field sobriety tests and the procedures used by the officer in conducting your breath or blood tests. The video can lead to important defenses to an experienced DUI lawyer.
Trying to find a Coto de Caza DUI lawyer can seem like a challenging process, but the highly qualified legal team at the Law Office of Barry T. Simons is an ideal choice. Barry T. Simons is a DUI law expert who has been defending cases and developing winning strategies for decades. Mr. Simons and his colleagues use a comprehensive approach that includes every relevant legal and scientific issue in order to make sure that your case gets the best defense possible.
A key component of the science involved in DUI cases is the use of field sobriety tests as evidence. Many studies have demonstrated the actual ineffectiveness of these tests, and it is our job to point those out in front of the court or the DMV. The studies show that inadequate training and high subjectivity contribute greatly to these tests being inaccurate, so we believe that it is important to highlight these aspects as potential vulnerabilities.
What You Need to Know About Your Coto de Caza Arrest
If you’ve been arrested and charged with a DUI, it’s obviously a serious issue that must be dealt with as quickly as possible. Our legal team is highly adept at responding rapidly to new cases, but we can provide the best defense with ample time. From the moment of your arrest, you have only 10 days to start the process and schedule your hearing. After that time, your license will be suspended and you’ll open yourself to extra fines and time in jail.
The Law Office of Barry T. Simons is dedicated to offering our clients a sophisticated defense strategy that has the highest chance of allowing you to keep your license and move on from this unfortunate experience. We encourage you to contact us immediately so that we can begin gathering evidence and preparing a unique plan to help you through the process.
Orange County DMV Office
790 The City Drive, Suite 420, Orange, CA 92868
Coto de Caza Courthouse
Harbor Justice Center
4601 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Get Driving Directions to our office
Call (949) 497-1729 for a free consultation.