Providing DUI Defense for Mission Viejo
Mission Viejo DUI Attorney
The City Mission Viejo contracts with the Orange County Sherriff’s Department for Police services within Mission Viejo. If you were arrested in Mission Viejo, you were either arrested by a Sherriff. The Sherriff’s have video cameras in their units which record the enforcement stop, the field sobriety tests and any breath tests given in the field. These video tapes can provide important information for an experienced DUI defense lawyer who obtain the tapes, review them and find errors in police procedures that will assist in your defense.
Finding a Mission Viejo DUI lawyer can seem like a challenging task during an overwhelming set of circumstances, but the Law Office of Barry T. Simons is here to help. Our experienced legal experts know every inch of DUI case law, and they can ensure that you get a fair defense. Moreover, we will do everything in our power to help you keep your driver’s license.
An important consideration in any DUI case is the scientific facts involved. Field sobriety tests, administered by officers on the side of the road after making a drunk-driving determination, have been traditionally thought of as infallible. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has done numerous studies that indicate how subjective and inaccurate these tests actually are. Our legal team knows how to put these tests in their proper context while in court.
What You Need to Know
The most crucial piece of information to keep in mind if you are charged with a DUI is that there is a limited window of time to act. From the time of your arrest, you only have 10 calendar days to schedule your initial hearing with the court. After that time has elapsed, your inaction will cause your license to be suspended. Beyond that, you may open yourself to a number of other penalties, including fines and jail time.
For the best chance of a successful defense, you need to contact us immediately after you are first charged. As soon as you do, we’ll be able to start gathering evidence and putting together a defense that has the best possible chance of resulting in you keeping your license. The Law Office of Barry T. Simons is the leading choice for DUI defense in Mission Viejo and all over Southern California.
Orange County DMV Office
790 The City Drive, Suite 420
Orange, CA 92868
Mission Viejo Courthouse:
Harbor Justice Center
4601 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660